First, we'll cover the essentials for structuring a class. We'll set up course goals, identify standards, design assessments, and learn how to find and develop engaging activities for online learning. Second, we'll learn the technological skills for building an online class using Moodle, which is in essence your digital classroom. This component of the course is hands-on, so you'll actually be building elements of a course as you go. Third, we'll learn some of the considerations and differences when designing and teaching online courses. We'll work on all three of these components simultaneously.
By the end of the course you should feel confident that you can design and build an online course. We'd like to add that you'll be confident that you can teach an online class, but there is no substitute for experience in that regard, so in that sense our third goal is that you feel relatively comfortable with the idea of teaching an online course.
Getting started is easy! Just scroll down to the box below this one and start working. Before you do that, however, please watch the Course Introduction video to get a better idea of how the course will work.
Please feel free to get in touch with me at any time with questions, ideas, or concerns. One good way to do that is to use the messaging system built into Moodle. To learn how to do that, you can watch the "How to Contact Your Instructor" video below this box.
Good luck! Happy building!