Video 5: Shooting with Power

Shooting with Power

Shooting a soccer ball takes practice, but practicing the correct form will help you learn how to shoot the ball more quickly, more accurately, and with more power. Watch this video to learn some of the key points to shooting a soccer ball.

Key Points

1. Ankle locked, toe down, use laces

2. Plant foot pointed at your target

3. Land on your kicking foot.

Other Key Points

This video doesn't cover the key points before shooting, so you'll want to keep those in mind as well:

1. "Hop and load" before you shoot.

2. Make a nice "v-shape" with your kicking foot when you hop and load.

Advanced Key Points

1. Generate power from your thigh, not your foot.

2. Shoulders face your target.

3. Keep you head down. (We've learned this as "ball, peak, ball.

These are a lot of things to remember, so sometimes it's best to work on one of them at a time. For the next practice, pick out one Key Point that you can keep in mind when you shoot the ball. Just work on that one key point for that one practice. Once you feel comfortable with that, add another key point.

Last modified: Monday, May 11, 2015, 3:44 PM