Video 3: Awesome Dribbling!

Awesome Dribbling!

We'll practice dribbling and footwork drills a lot this year. Dribbling and footwork are skills that professional players practice all the time, all year round. There really is no end to how good you can get at this. In this very cool video, you get to see some of the best players in the world using footwork, dribbling, and moves to get around people move the ball. As you watch the video, see if you can answer these questions.

1. Are the players with the ball going the same speed all the time, or do they mix up speeds: slow, fast, explosive?

2. Can you see places where the players use their bodies to fake? They lean one way, then go the other?

3. Do the dribblers use one part of their foot, or all parts (tops, insides, outsides, laces, heels)?

4. Most complicated soccer moves are made up of a few simple moves put together. Once you get fast at the simple moves and can string a couple of them together, your soccer moves get a lot better. Watch the video and look for the different types of moves that we've been practicing. Can you see juggling moves? Roll stops? Pullbacks? Scissors? Pullbacks behind the back?

5. How many players do you recognize in the video?


Last modified: Thursday, April 16, 2015, 4:14 PM