How to fill out the work experience heading of a resume.
Activity Overview / Details
This section tends to be one of the hardest. Either students do not have much experience, or discount what experience they do have.
What kind of experience do you have?
Experience from internships, volunteer work or at jobs should be listed in this section. The descriptions should use action terms. Here are some suggestions: I balanced till with no errors, welded bead with control, etc.
One way to do this is the following:
Gina's Art Store, 1234 Main Street, Chalupo, CA 98999
10/2011 to present
Gina Mason, Owner, (w) 415-234-3344
Duties: Excellent customer service (awarded top sales person August 2011), balanced till with 100% accuracy, processed new shipment, trained new student workers.
Last modified: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 9:11 PM