GDP: Just the facts!!

Standard 9 : Economic performance (the performance of an economy toward meeting it's goals) can be measured, and is affected by,various long-term factors.

Benchmark - Measure economic growth in terms of percentage changes in real Gross Domestic Product over time; analyze past and recent data to identify factors that promote or impair long runecon


This is a great slide show that explains what the Gross Domestic Product actually is.  It asks you to click on numerous times, but it is worth it.  If yu do not understand the concept, please go over the material again, before moving on.  There will be a quiz after you are completely done with the slideshow.

Here is the link:


 Here is the quiz:

When you have 100% you may move on with the course.  Go back and save the correct answers until you have completed the quiz.  Please copy and submit the final response for your quiz in the submission section below.