
You will be required to write me an e-mail about a work related questions using technology etiquette. You will also be required to turn in an exit slips via e-mail.  

I would like you to research what a memo is and how to write one.  It would be important to find out why they are used in the workplace as well. 

E-mail Question:  You may have to research more information about the job of your dreams so you can decide what question you would like to ask and then using a professional e-mail address (if you don't have one you can get one free on gmail) write an e-mail you your teacher at tmmezzenga@district287.org addressing her as your supervisor at your dream job and ask her a job related question. 

Exit slip questions:  How do you write a memo?  Why are they important? E-mail the teacher a sample memo written by you and not copied from the internet.