Topic outline

  • Course Description

    Learning to access your community is what the future holds beyond school for our students. The possibilities to live, work, shop, and engage in rec/leisure options  in integrated environments.  They will participate, either independently or with accommodations and supports, in typical activities across a variety of settings. Instruction occurs first in the classroom and then opportunities to practice their skills in natural environments are utilized to help them to generalize to real life situations. Instructional priorities for each student are based on the real world needs of the individual students in hopes of leading toward increased independence in his or her home and community. Students learn strategies to be a safe and how to protect themselves at home and in the community.  Students discover the importance of carrying personal identification; emergency information, telephone numbers and having a small amount of cash when out in the community. 

    • Grading

      Progress reports will be written based on students IEP dates. Students will receive a pass for participation or fail for non-participation.

      • Course Goal(s)

        Students will increase their knowledge, awareness, and independence in the areas of:

        Personal Responsibility

        Money Management

        Communicating Needs and Desires

        Pedestrian and Mobility Safety Skills

        Personal Shopping Skills

        Locating Key places in the community (restroom, cashier, etc)

        • Formative Assessment

          Formative Assessment:

          Identify individual student IEP goals that align (communication, personal safety, money management, knowledge of community planning, executing activities)  with community exploration. Take data on these skills in multiple environments.

          • Course Outline

            Discussion around personal responsibility- method of carrying personal identification, money, emergency information.

            Obtain a method of carrying personal information for each student (wallet, purse, fanny pack, id card)

            Obtain a form of personal identification for each student and discuss the importance of why you do this.

            Discuss how one acts while in the community. I.E. staying with the group, communicating where you are going, following directions from staff, voice volume, and safe actions towards others and themselves.

            Teacher uses visual community planning sheet to teach all the various pieces of information and steps necessary to execute an outing

                            Where, How much money needed, transportation options, phone number, hours of operation, equipment/materials needed, who is going with you, and When you will go.

            Provide a list of visual options for students who don’t express their own desires of places

            Have students generate a list of places that students would like to go to. Identify a goal or objective that will occur for each community location. I.E.  grocery store- goal would be for creating a shopping list, locating items in proper department, and  paying for items. A restaurant- goal would be to choose what they want to eat and communicate effectively to the wait staff.

            Students vote on a community location

            Teacher walks them through the process to plan an outing with use of community planning sheet.

            Identify for each student where their skills are in regards to money knowledge and management for purchases.

                            Examples- rounding to the next dollar, utilizing coin and bill combinations, using gift cards, counting out whole dollar amounts, balancing a bank account, distinguishes between deposit and withdrawal, staying within a budget.

            Gather necessary materials or money needed for an outing

            Execute the outing in the natural environment

            • Course Timeline

              1 semester

              • Course Vocabulary



                Wallet, purse, fanny pack, back pack


                Men vs. Women restroom

                Enter vs. Exit




                • Materials ● Resources ● Technology

                  Visual community planning sheet

                  Information about different locations for students to choose from

                  Internet access

                  Money and Transportation

                  Methods of carrying personal identification

                  Personal Identification

                  Various modes for students to communicate their needs (picture cards, voice output device, written script, written schedule)

                  Social Stories for safe actions in the community

                  You tube video clips of pedestrian safety and safe actions in the community

                  Round Up to the Next Dollar number line for paying for things

                  Blank Shopping Lists

                  Picture Shopping Lists for retail and grocery.