Social StudiesAny of the resources in this section can be accessed with the Social Studies curriculum key.

Unit 1 of Agricultural Economics will cover decision-making, labor, planning, budgeting, poverty, redistribution, pricing, sales, and marketing.

This Moodle Unit will be a repository for lesson plans related to the "essential skills" in social studies and ELA for social studies.

This course covers the 2nd semester of U.S. History. 

The West Education Center Social Studies Curriculum Group collaborated to create this Geography unit. The following team members contributed to this project:

Patrick Ames, Nate Armour, Paul Bennet, Chris Conway, Iric Lampert, Jason Reese, and Dwain Weddall

This course will cover American History from 1492 until Reconstruction.

This course will be aligned to the 2012 Minnesota Social Studies Standards. It will begin with human migrations from Africa and the earliest known civilizations and cover the rise and fall of great Mediterranean, African, Asian, and American civilizations and empires. It will explore the beginnings of the world's ancient religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It will also cover the standards and benchmarks associated with the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and The Global Age, Exploration, and the Colonization of the Americas.

This course content will cover World History topics from the Global Age and Discovery to present day. Assignments and resources will be aligned to Minnesota graduation standards and benchmarks.