Home for District 287 Mandatory Training Modules

Go back to the home page and log in with your district username and password.

If you are having trouble accessing the course, wait one minute and refresh the home page, if you still don't see your course contact Mike Smart mwsmart@district287.org

Home for District 287 Mandatory Training Modules

Go back to the home page and log in where you see this on the right side of the page: 

Log in using your account on:

Google button for log in

If you are having trouble accessing the course, wait one minute and refresh the home page, if you still don't see your course contact Jonas Sjoberg jsjoberg@district287.org. Please include your employee ID!

This module is for District 287 Mentors and Mentor Leads. It has three purposes:

  1. To provide Mentors and Mentor Leads with critical training and information, and the required assessment.
  2. To provide a hub where Mentors can access links for documenting mentoring hours through the Mentoring Log, Mentee Goal Statements, Goal Progress Reports, Goal Reflections and the newly developed Mentoring Program Survey.
  3. To provide resources for Mentors to use individually and for Monthly Meetings.