Course Syllabus
Presentations that Rock
Mike Smart
Twitter: MikeSmart
Telephone: 763-550-7116
Office hours: Monday through Friday, 2-4pm
Learning objectives
- Understand and apply the four fundamentals of design in creating presentations.
- Develop skill at building effective presentations using Prezi, the online presentational tool.
- Gain hands on experience building a presentation with Prezi.
Course resources, texts, web links
All resources are provided in the context of the course, although participants may want to optionally purchase the outstanding Non-Designer's Design Book, by Robin Williams.
Assignment information
Self Introduction (10 points)
Collaborative Prezi Database Activity (20 points)
Project Outline Discussion (10 points)
Final Prezi Project (80 points)
Grading scale
Traditional Scale
Above 90% = A
80% to 89.99% = B
70% to 79.99% = C
60% to 69.99% = D
Below 60% = No Credit
Student roles and expectations
It's expected that students actively participate in the course discussions, and contribute original work of their own construction. For more information, please see the below section on academic integrity.
Instructor role and Commitments
As an instructor, I will do all that I can to help you succeed in the course. Please contact me at any time for help with anything in the course. I am happy to help.
Academic Honesty Policy: copyright and plagiarism policy
In this course, it's expected that you'll do your own learning and do your own work. It's also expected that if you use the work of others in creating an academic presentation, that you acknowledge doing so by citing your sources.
Please feel free to get in touch with me at any point if you're unsure as to whether something you're doing may cross these lines. I'd be happy to provide more input at any point in the course.
Participants found willfully violating copyright and plagiarism policies will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with District 287 policy, or the policy of their own school district.
Resources, References, Credits
I would like to thank Robin Williams for her outstanding design concepts, which serve as a cornerstone for the fundamental concepts used in the course.
Also, thanks to for the tool used to deliver the presentations in the course.
The baseball images used academically in the tutorial videos are property of their respective takers, but were too universally available to track down the original sources. The New York Yankees logo is the property of Major League Baseball, and is used soley for academic purposes.
Lastly, thank you to DJDannyG and 354849, the creators of the YouTube videos used in the demonstration Prezi tutorials.