09 - The Flood Narrative

Pretty much everyone has heard the story of Noah's Ark. There's a lot more behind the flood story than you may realize. Did you know that many other cultures have told a similar story and that some of them were even older than the account given in Genesis from the Bible? (Of course you did, you just read The Gilgamesh Epic!)

Here's a quick comparison of the flood narratives of Genesis (Noah), the Gilgamesh Epic (Utnapishtim) and the one from Greek Mythology (Deucalion):

Genesis (The Torah/Bible)

The Gilgamesh Epic


Global Flood

Global Flood

Global Flood

Caused by mankind's sins

Caused by mankind's sins

Mankind's immorality

Noah is saved

Utnapishtim is saved

Deucalion is saved

Message of the flood came from God

Message of the flood came in a dream

Told by his Father a titan

Saved by boarding a boat

Saved by boarding a boat

Saved by boarding a boat

Family members only saved

Family & a few others saved

2 people saved

All species of animals

All species of animals

Caused by groundwater & heavy rain

Caused by heavy rain


40 days & nights

6 days & nights

9 days & nights

Release of birds

Release of birds

Raven & 3 doves

Dove, swallow, raven

Boat landed on a mountain

Boat landed on a mountain

Boat landed on a mountain

The saved offered a sacrifice after the flood.

The saved offered a sacrifice after the flood.

The saved offered a sacrifice after the flood.

God promises not to flood again.

The saved are given immortality

Deucalion is blessed after the flood.

Keep in mind that these are not the only Flood Narratives. What possible conclusions can you draw about the table above and the fact that this story seems to be told in more than one culture?

Discuss this with others and see if your conclusions match what others might think.

What we think of as a global catastrophe is much different than what would have been considered a global catastrophe in the past. We have more of a connection now to other places and cultures through the internet and social media. We also have around seven billion people on the planet; in 1960 there were only three billion. Imagine how few people were around thousands of years ago. The place in which you lived would have been your entire world. If something bad happened there your whole culture may have been wiped out.

Next, we will take a closer look at the other two flood narratives mentioned in the chart above.

Last modified: Wednesday, May 27, 2015, 10:32 AM