Why a focus on Self-Advocacy?
- According to PACER Center “less than one and five individuals with disabilities participates in the labor force compared to more than 60% of people without disabilities.” ... “Research demonstrates however, that youth who have greater self-advocacy, communication, and problem solving skills are more successful in the workplace.” Summer 2015 Pacesetter
- Even though many parents may be unfamiliar with this term, they will discover that they are actually very familiar with these everyday, common-sense skills that are important in all aspects of liek. Soft skills can help youth succeed in life no matter what they are doing. By improving these skills, a youth can enhance his or her social life, do better in post secondary educational settings and be more successful at finding and maintaining employment.” Winter 2011 Pacesetter
- The ARC - “Without self-advocacy skills, people with I/DD have little impact on their own situations or on public policy that affects them.” http://www.thearc.org/who-we-are/position-statements/rights/self-advocacy
- Self-advocacy is a concept most commonly associated with self- determination. Research suggests that people who are self-determined have better post-school outcomes (Test, Fowler, Wood, Brewer & Eddy, 2005), specifically citing correlation between the employment success of an individual with strong self-advocacy skills and his or her postsecondary outcomes. An individual’s ability to self-advocate is a step toward self- determination and social success. Often when individuals with disabilities leave the supportive environments of school, they do not understand their strengths and needs well enough to seek the accommodations they need beyond school (Test, Fowler, Wood, Brewer & Eddy, 2005).
- CASEL has identified five interrelated sets of cognitive, affective and behavioral competencies. The definitions of the five competency clusters for students are: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.
- Character Ed Quote- TBD
- District 287 VECTOR Transition Program Philosophy: “Self-Determination is a combination of skills, knowledge, and beliefs that enable a person to engage in goal-directed, self-regulated and autonomous behavior. Essential to self-determination is an understanding of one's strengths and limitations, together with a belief in oneself as capable and effective. When acting on the basis of these skills and attitudes, individuals have a greater ability to advocate for themselves and assume the role of a successful adult.” http://www.district287.org/page.cfm?p=860
Last modified: Monday, August 24, 2015, 5:33 AM