Course Glossary

Here are some words that you should be familiar with for this course.

Unless otherwise noted, definitions from Wiktionary. CC BY SA

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  1. simple past tense and past participle of malign


malign (third-person singular simple present malignspresent participle maligningsimple past and past participle maligned)

  1. (transitive) To make defamatory statements about; to slander or traduce. 
  2. (transitive, archaic) To treat with malice; to show hatred toward; to abuse; to wrong. 

MLA Style

Modern Language Association

An academic style guide widely used in the United States, Canada, and other countries, providing guidelines for writing and documentation of research in the humanities, especially in English studies; the study of other modern languages and literatures, including comparative literature;literary criticismmedia studiescultural studies; and related disciplines (but not disciplines like history, philosophy, and theology, which follow The Chicago Manual of Style).
