08 - Current Events Presentation

Now that you're an expert at reviewing current events and analyzing the content presented it's time for you to show what you've learned from the whole experience. Create a presentation using Google Presentation, Prezi, MovieMaker iMovie, etc. where you highlight a few of the things you've learned from your research and provide an overview about some of the recent stories making headlines over the last week or so.

Choosing a few (2-4) stories with a common theme will help you shape a presentation that is cohesive or "hangs together" well. Or you might choose one issue and present it from different perspectives. For example, you might choose a broad topic such as a political story that is prevalent in the news, or a current foreign war or foreign issue, a current environmental issue or crisis, a local issue or crisis taking place in your own city. Try to find two or three different perspectives on your issue that you could highlight using comparison and contrast during your presentation.

Read through the Grading Rubric below this assignment. This should help clarify the requirements of the assignment.

Be sure to include images and video clips to help inform your audience.

Paste the link to your presentation in your submission below.

Length: 6-10 content slides (not including your heading or credits).