At a Glance - Module 11
Quote for Module 11: Teachers are designers. An essential act of our profession is the design of curriculum and learning experiences to meet specific purposes. We are also designers of assessments to diagnose student needs to guide our teaching and to enable us, our students, and others (parents and administrators) to determine whether our goals have been achieved; that is, did the students learn and understand the desired knowledge?
Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, Understanding by Design, 1998.
In this Module
You will find many, many examples for differentiated activities for students.
Major Topics
- What does differentiation look like in the classroom
- Read, “Ways to Differentiate in Your Classroom”
- Review, “Low-Prep and High-Prep Differentiation Activities”
- Review online resources
- Share additional sites you know of or found by posting them in the discussion forum
- Visit sites that have free technology tools for teachers
- Integrate at least two ideas from modules 10 and 11 into your unit plan
- Build understanding for what differentiation in the classroom looks like
Guiding Questions
1. Which of these activities will work in my classroom?
2. Which of these activities could be modified for my content area?