How has the Supreme Court decisions impacted the economy?
Standard 11. - The overall performance of an economy can be influenced by the fiscal policies of governments and the monetary policies of central banks.
Benchmark- - Evaluate the impact of at least two United States Supreme Court decisions on the United States economy.
The Supreme Court of the United States of America has been very influential on the American economy. Today you will research two Supreme Court decisions that impacted the economy. You will evauate the effect of that decision on the American people. You can research cases where corporations have been defined as "persons", child labor laws, commerce clause cases, or antitrust cases.
What was the overall influence on the economy that the justices made? Who benefitted and who lost? Why was the case needed to be decided before the Court? etc
For example, the recent ruling on health care has put the political parties against each other again. Obamacare, as it is called, puts impositions on those who do not have health insurance, and that effects companies as well as individuals.
Directions: Choose 2 cases - Give the case number, the title, and the outcome or decision, then explain it's impact on the economy.