Common consumer products assignment
Common consumer products assignment
All of these items contain petroleum or are derived from petroleum.
1. Sandals and flip flops 2. Computers 3. Ball point pens
4. Cameras 5. Footballs 6. Bath soap 7. Pepto-Bismol
8. Aspirin 9. Band-aids 10. Cough syrup 11. Egg cartons
12. Jars 13. Utensils 14. Fabric softener 15. Sponges
16. Styrofoam 17. Cologne and perfume 18. Lipstick
19. Contact lenses 20. Shampoo 21. Sunglasses 22. Bubble bath
23. Curtains 24. Rugs 25. Water pipes 26. Toilet seats
27. CDs and DVDs 28. Bubble gum 29. Credit cards 30. Mouthwash 31. White vinegar 32. Vaseline 33. Rubbing alcohol
34. Mosquito spray 35. Q-tips 36. Umbrellas
TASK: To come up with two sets of lists. First list will contain items that you deem "essential" and the second list will contain items that you can live without. Then summarize the specific human health and environmental concerns (if any) associated with those components/ingredients. Take into consideration the creation, transportation, use, and disposal of the selected items. Choose 3 of your "essential" items.