English EE is an introductory class to introduce some important standards that will be revisited in later units. As well, English EE contains an introductory unit for work in both English and History curriculum. The purpose of this stand alone unit is to prepare students for responding to Moodle courses that require written responses. Both Miss Erwin and Mr. Connors have seen some repeated issues in student writing that need to be addressed.

Students may have this unit included in their first English or History class, or this unit may be added to students whose work is showing a need for revisiting this information. Your instructor may use this unit as an additional one to your work (added to a unit for quarter credit) or use some of these assignments to replace assignments in a history or English class.

The assignments include review in:

a) accurate reading and responding to assignments (reading the directions carefully and "doing it right the first time")
b) paraphrasing and summarizing information (without plagiarizing)
c) directly quoting information from a source
d) reviewing capitalization and punctuation rules
e) avoiding fragments and run on sentences
f) doing a final revision

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English II is an English course designed to help you look at literature differently. This course is really about looking at reading through different approaches (lenses). 

The Creative Minds quarter credit elective class offers opportunities for you to explore your creativity in a wide array of ways. The class, which follows a PBL format, involves your development of a plan at the beginning of the quarter (which may evolve and change somewhat as the idea is further developed) to create an end product or portfolio of related products. This product can be as diverse or as defined as you choose. There should be evidence of ongoing work and check ins with me (Zing) to maintain focus on the end product. Products may include (but are not limited to) creative writing (poetry, prose, lyrics, essays, or a larger work in memoir or a novel idea), video (short film projects, animation, etc., or a longer film), a "mash up" of art and writing, journal writing, or others. This Moodle class is available to create reflections on process and short assignments in creative thinking, art experimentation, and artistic craft. 

The daily journal is a warm up writing activity that will often tie into a standard for English. Complete three of your choices for the week  (for a C grade), four (for a B), or all five (for an A) and have it apply to your course assignments. To note: completion for those grades is also contingent on quality; do your best work. Spelling and punctuation count (because this is English!)  Remember: spelling, capitalization, and punctuation rules matter. 

A variety of individual daily assignments covering Reading, Writing, and Discussion.