This course is designed for students with high-functioning Autism or Aspergers to facilitate cognitive based social thinking to prepare them for post-secondary options, independent living and employment options in a social world.  Topics covered include: Acronyms, Why Am I Here/How Do I Get There, Impressions I Have of Myself/Impressions Others Have of Me, Social-Emotional Learning and Memories, My Mood and Trivial Things, Complaints from My Point of View or Can I Handle it, Shared Enjoyment and Social Networking.  The class provides a venue to address social issues through a guided discussion format and will also address ideas for topics generated by the students. 

Students increase their independent living skills in this fast paced course that combines a multitude of subjects.  Student will develop a higher knowledge in pursuing a career path, identifying interests and the steps needed in obtaining employment. Also covered in this class are money management skills, adult health and becoming a better self-advocate.  Students also practice on improving their organizational skills.

School-Connect is a 40-lesson curriculum designed to improve students’ social, emotional, and academic skills and strengthen relationships among students and teachers.  The program consists of four modules, based on the Social and Emotional Learning Competencies identified by researchers as critical to success in school, the workplace, and life in general: social awareness, self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.

Students increase their knowledge and skills in identifying and labeling one’s own feelings.  Students will learn to recognize strengths and positive qualities.  An introduction to understanding the perspective, thoughts and feelings of others as well as monitoring and regulating feelings so they are an aid rather than an impediment in handling stressful situations.  Appreciating diversity by having a better understanding that individual group differences complement each other and make the world a more interesting place.

Students are taught specific strategy to use in resolving problems and focus on healthy decision-making. Students will have a better understanding of the roadblocks in decision-making and the processes of decisions making along with the implications of results.  Students will practice communicating their point of view effectively, accept criticism and give criticism in a constructive manner.

This daily discussion group provides a forum for peers to discuss life experiences and personal challenges, while employing a problem-solving process and developing effective self-expression skills. The students through a daily “check-in” raise discussion topics. Effective communication mechanics is encouraged, as is a positive and affirming group atmosphere. Respect for interpersonal boundaries is required, as is active listening and rounded participation. 

A constructive approach to conflict resolution: this class introduces general life coping strategies, as well as how to deal with difficult and challenging situations.  Students will learn six simple ways to stop a conflict. Students will identify what are anger triggers and identifying cues.  Students have a better understanding of anger styles and the consequences of angry behavior.  Students will also learn basic techniques of negotiation, how to compromise and how to effectively use the “I” statement.

Students participate in discussions that provide a forum for peers to share life experiences and personal challenges, while employing problem solving processes and developing effective self-expression skills.  This class provides practical solutions for understanding unstated rules in social situations.  Through uses of role-playing, social stories, and group interaction the class focuses on continuing to build and strengthen the foundations of effective communication. Effective communication mechanics will be encouraged in a positive affirming atmosphere.  Students will learn the characteristics of passive, aggressive and assertive behaviors, and how to deal with life’s situations in a healthy way. They will also increase their skills in understanding body language and facial expressions, analyzing different social interactions and how they can be misinterpreted.  Students also learn to recognize and express feelings in positive ways and learn how to relax in today’s busy world using a variety of activities to increase vocabulary and verbal expressions.