This is a high school Language Arts course which focuses on writing a creative personal essay based on the "This I Believe" radio series.

Students will be led through a variety of interactive activities that guide them to an understanding of what a personal essay is, as well as support them through the process of writing their own essays.

Students will use a variety of technologies in this class and will work supported by an instructor through both online and face-to-face feedback.

William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies examines the role of individuals in the shaping of a society. What are the responsibilities of citizens in a society? Students must be prepared to answer this question for themselves through creative writing and thought, group processing, and independent reading. 

 This course was developed for grade 8 students by Rachel Barnes, a humanities teacher at the Chatham Middle School.

All things Greek Mythology

Integrated English Language Arts is a comprehensive reading intervention  and standards-based program designed to meet the needs of students whose reading achievement is below the proficient level. The instructional design of the program is based on the use of multiple reading modalities to enhance student learning. Elements of phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension are incorporated in various degrees. Topics and readings are aligned to the general education curriculum and standards are addressed at grade level through supplemental materials.   For further information on the Read 180 component of this course, visit .

Materials for the Townsend Press Version of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.