Making HippoCampus More Useful/Accessible.
Getting the direct link to content on HippoCampus does result in getting users to the proper place; but there are some reasons why using content directly in the platform make things problematic for Instructional Designers.
HippoCampus uses a Flash player which doesn't work so well for our districts that use Chromebooks and iPads. We also focus on Accessibility, design, layout and other workflows to make our content more flexible.
Preferrably, we could embed the object itself...
Copyright © National Geographic Creative. All Rights Reserved.
Content made available through The NROC Project.
In this example, the source video was uploaded to YouTube, captioned and embedded into an LMS. In this instance we can provide greater context to the item (introductory text, follow up questions/activities right on the page), avoid suggested videos, greater functionality...
In this example, the item has been embedded into a slideshow that can be embedded into an LMS as part of a larger resource...
When using an LMS (like Moodle) students have the ability to download content to their mobile app which would allow for offline viewing. The MP4 of the video resource could be uploaded. The rest of the content and slideshow can also be downloaded by students.