10 - Readings: Ancient Hebrews and their flood Narrative

Historical text: 

This section on Ancient Hebrews by USHistory.org is licensed CC-BY under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

About the early Hebrews

Empires rose and empires fell. The Babylonians, the Assyrians, and the Persians accumulated immense wealth and power that allowed them to build capital cities of striking beauty. But their cities and palaces eventually fell into decay and were covered by thousands of years of sand and dust.

One of their relatively powerless contemporary groups outlived those great empires. These people were the Hebrews, known also as Israelites or, later, Jews.

Their early contribution to humankind was not wealthy empires or groundbreaking technology. Rather, it was the revolutionary idea that there was only one god, a belief known as monotheism. This one Hebrew god was called Yahweh. To the Hebrews, Yahweh was all powerful and all knowing, yet beyond human understanding. The religion based around this god influenced the founding of Christianity and Islam. (Editor’s note: What follows is the Hebrew account of their early history.)

This section on Ancient Hebrews by USHistory.org is licensed CC-BY under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.