01 - News Sources

There are many potential sources of news and information beyond what there was just a few decades ago. Today many people receive their news via blogs and social networks. To access actual reporting on events you would likely need to go to an additional source. Below, you will find some options to review if you do not have any of which you are aware.

Additionally, there are news aggregators on many sites like Yahoo! homepages. The Google News site also pulls together articles that are up-to-the minute and are what many people are clicking on and discussing. This can be customized to suit your preferences if you are logged in to your Google Account. There's a great Google News aggregator that provides some interesting displays of the most popular articles at any given moment: News Map.

These days, television media typically hires pundits or commentators to deliver the news. This can be especially concerning considering the fact that they are giving their political or religious opinions on topics instead of reporting on actual events or research. Rarely do claims by these commentators go challenged by an actual reporter who is an expert on the topic. News on television is typically considered to be Infotainment instead of just information. They have to keep viewers so that they can continue to generate advertising revenue.

Last modified: Thursday, December 3, 2015, 12:36 PM