The Presidential Election and the Economy? What gives?

Standard 11:  The overall performance of an economy can be influenced by the fiscal policies of governments and the monetary policies of central banks. 

Benchmark - Explain fiscal and monetary policies from various perspectives; provide arguments from one's own perspective, supported by analysis, for a policy change that should be adopted.

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The 2012 Presidential Election between President Barak Obama and challenger Mitt Romney will directly effect your future.  From how much money is available for college loans to when and what type of car you drive. Do you buy a house or are the rates too high?  Your job is to inform yourself about each of the candidates.  What exactly do they propose?  Then you will be ready to write your editorial.

  Directions: Research each of the candidates running in the 2012 Presidential race, regarding their stances on various economic issues. When it comes to finances What is each candidate offering?  Many different issues may be  considered.  Check out this list to assist you with different ideas.

     Task: You will be responsible for writing an editorial for the Star Tribune that deals with how the candidates view the economy.  You will be read by millions of readers so your opinion of the candidates will have a great influence on the election.  Must be 500 words minimum.  (When the election is over, the assignment only changes in how you interpret the losing sides economic policies).